I’m Rob Holt, a software engineer with an interest in programming languages, distributed systems and functional programming. Welcome to my site!

If you’d like to get in touch with me, execute any of the following programs to get my contact details.


import Data.Char
import Data.Bits

o = 0x49
b = [59,81,60,84,59,87,35,99,4,105,8,97,13,35,64,47,66]

r _ []     = []
r k (c:cs) = 
  let v = k `xor` c in
  (chr v) : r (k `xor` v) cs

main = print $ r o b

Python 3

from base64 import b64decode

x = b64decode(b'O1E8VDtXI2MEaQhhDSNAL0I=')
k = 0x49
a = []
for b in x:
  r = b ^ k
  k ^= r
